Startups are now the hot thing to do in our generation. It is evident that people are starting to notice how important independence is to them and how many solutions are still needed out there. In most cases, you will find great people starting out businesses that are not actually needed. In my research, I have noticed 6 things that can make a startup business successful.

Here are the 6 things that can make your startup successful:

1) Unique Solutions, not just ideas
We all have that one problem we face and it hits us that we could start a business to solve it. That's not the way to look at it though, always seek a problem you face and other people face frequently. Knowing what the users need can scale your idea even before launch thereby establishing your market.

2) Timing over everything
Good timing can help you avoid being too early which will lead to waiting for a day that might never come and being too late which will lead to fighting competitors who have already scaled. Good example is Apple arriving with the iPod after most companies had failed to market MP3 players. It wasn't about the iPod being better but it was the right time to get users on something they understood.

3) A business model that works
The word business model is often thrown around by founders. This can help you grasp the problems you solving, your unique selling point and how your finances will be structured(Costs & Revenue). This is critical when weighing your customers and solutions together.

4) An avengers team
Ideas come to life when you work with superheroes. Your goals should be on one thing and one thing only, making the vision of your company a reality. A team can make or break the startup that is why it's important to choose wisely. Motivation should be the driving force behind sustaining your team, hope that all will come to fruition in time. Always find a superhero that challenges and complements your skills.

5)Execution is killer
They say "ideas are worth nothing", which is true for an idea that doesn't come to life. Starting to work on your idea is a step forward, it can help you gain insight on what works and what doesn't work. In this stage you will experiment and hopefully gain experience. It is okay to make mistakes because that's how you will learn and trust me, it is not easy.

6)Funding comes last
We often seek funds before our products have presence on the market and with zero traction. This can lead to a million dollar problem because you'll start using funds irresponsibly to gain customers. Getting investors if you've proven you are worth the investment will be easy.